hello and merry meet! and welcome to Nottamun Town!
it's so nice to meet you here! cozy up, grab something to eat or drink, and stay awhile. in the meantime, please feel free to look around :3
Nottamun Town is the place where i will eventually make my full transition away from mainstream social media. Nottamun Town is where i chronicle my life, art, stories, writing, spirituality, hobbies, and other special interests of mine. as you can see, this will be a digital home without the connotation of the encroaching capitalist and oligarchical metaverse. this is a place of rest, introspection, but most of all, fun.
i must make a disclaimer that this website will most likely contain mature content. i am an autistic adult with PTSD and OCD as well as other mental illnesses so this website will contain distressing topics even though i do my darndest to cultivate joy within myself.

thank you very much for visiting 💗📿